
All things bid delivery, all in one place

Use our bid delivery service to ensure you have the tools you need to submit top-tier bids and maximise your chance of securing the contract.

Growing thousands of businesses

Stay ahead of all essential milestones

Mercell Bid Delivery Service grants you the power to easily perform essential tasks such as downloading procurement documents and submitting electronic bids, all in one central place. But we don't stop there. You can also seamlessly collaborate directly with your colleagues in creating bids to increase your chances of winning. We send you alerts on critical deadlines, enabling you to stay on top of essential milestones with little effort.


Streamline your bid and submission process

We streamline your entire bid preparation and submission process, so you can efficiently create, organise, and submit your bids. This reduces your admin time and allows for quicker submissions, ensuring that you can meet tight deadlines without compromising the quality of your bids.


Increase efficiency through automation

Looking to decrease the time and effort it takes to manage bids? Automate tasks and processes with us. Automation allows you to respond to more tenders without additional resources, increasing your chances of winning. Our tools are designed to handle the unique complexity of public procurement, ensuring you can spend less time on writing bids and more on crafting winning strategies.


Collaborate with your team for better bids

Turn your bids from good to great by seamlessly working together with your colleagues. Whether it's sharing documents, receiving feedback, or ensuring consistent messaging, our platform ensures teamwork that improves bid quality and ensures that all team members are on the same page.

Discover how other businesses have succeeded in using us

Meet our customers
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    Public Buyers

    European Commission

    80% decrease in tender lead times by switching to a dynamic purchasing system

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    Public Buyers

    City of Rotterdam

    The Municipality of Rotterdam embraces a digital future

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    Creating a growth pipeline for Philips in Denmark

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    Public Buyers

    Geldersee Vallei Hospital

    Raising employer involvement in procurement at Gelderse Vallei

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    Public Buyers

    Møre og Romsdal Municipality

    Norway's best municipality in digital procurement

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    Public Buyers

    Volker Energy Solutions

    Assessing suppliers helps us maintain high quality standards

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    Public Buyers

    University of Amsterdam

    Time-saving procurement benefits the University of Amsterdam

    University of Amsterdam

    Want to explore the world of undiscovered tenders?